With this app you have access to the ePaper - the digital edition of the Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung - with all the content of the printed daily newspaper as well as many other exclusive contents. At around 9:15 p.m. we publish an additional evening edition every day and the editorial team also uploads an ePaper on Sundays.
You can also find all the latest news from the website HAZ - Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung - Hildesheimer Allgemeine in the "Hildesheim Today" section. An archive is also available, as well as supplements and magazines.
A purely digital puzzle collection is also published weekly. And in the “HAZ-Extra” area you will find content that is produced exclusively for the app.
The editorial team also sends breaking news from the city and region of Hildesheim directly as a push message. To do this, you must allow the app to send you messages.
If you have any questions about the app, we will be happy to help you! Emails go to app-support@hildesheimer- Allgemeine.de. Or call us: 05121 / 106-84